
Event: Outreach Fireside 12/25/15


Sunday, January 25, 2015 

7:00 pm

Wells Stake Building (Jefferson Ward)
1883 South West Temple

"No one is, or ever could be, excluded from the circle of God's love or the extended arms of His Church for we are all His beloved sons and daughters." God Loveth His Children, 2007.

Musical Fireside for all LDS LGBT,/SSA, Families, and Friends.

Instrumental and vocal music will be presented with a variety of ensemble groups. We plan on part of the program to include YOU singing, too ! 

There will be an interactive phase to the fireside where people can describe what they would like in the future for the Outreach Fireside,

Following the program, everyone is invited to share light refreshments, and start the New Year off with good friends.

Please bring a favorite easy-to-eat treat to share.

More Information: Facebook Event

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